
If a potential Team Fortress 3 were to ever release someday, what features would you potentially want to see? (Thinking about making a video about this and wanted some input from the community)

May 13

I personally would love returning to more serious atmosphere, maybe some pseudo cold war stuff which gonna be fusion of TFC and what BoA should been

May 14

idk I think my ideal TF3 is just TF2 in Source 2 and getting actual updates again

Max Shortt

• Huge technical improvements, fixing gameplay balance, new, modified anti-cheat and report system, banning & fixing the monstrous situation with bot hosters, new weapons and fixing broken mechanics of already existing weapons, adding more functions for customizing your UI for all your needs (CS2 has really great customizing system to settle up your interface as much comfortable for you as it possible, so would be nice to see this in TF2 too); • If saying more about visual part & lore, then I wish to hear more music by Mike Morasky right in game (there was not used so many good tracks by him, so you can only hear them on YouTube or anywhere else but not in actual game), new graphical improvements, serious revision of the rules of adding cosmetics/unusuals from the workshop (most of them rn is just complete goofy mess which absolutely not fitting into in-game setting, sadly), adding more official lore parts from comics to in-game maps, for example, and more. Oh yeah, would be great to see reviving of an official TF2 merch, so that would be not that rare & hard thing to get like now. But I guess that Team Fortress 2 is not very financially profitable game for Valve, sadly, so the chances of this happening are slim. But anyway. Hope this info will helps you in your video.


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