


Nicolas | Video Editor | Valve Game Addict | Medic Main

Joined 29 Nov 2023

Hey everyone. I just released a video-essay on my YouTube account, and feedback would be much appreciated! This is my first real YouTube video, so don't be afraid to tell me if I need to improve anything.


What's all you guys' hauls from the sale? I picked up Half-Life: Alyx, Doom 2016, Ultrakill, Fallout 3, Mirror's Edge, and Hotline Miami šŸ‘

Anyone have any theories why the headcrab designs have changed so much over time? Every installation after Half-Life 1, Valve just makes them paler and paler. Entropy Zero 2 had an interesting idea where the Xen headcrabs are the ones in HL1 and are more saturated, but what are the extremely pale versions in Alyx meant to be? Or is Valve just pulling a GLaDOS move and pretend the design was like that the whole time without any lore reason?

If a potential Team Fortress 3 were to ever release someday, what features would you potentially want to see? (Thinking about making a video about this and wanted some input from the community)


Does anyone know what happened to CoreyLaddo? He used to make a lot of really good S2FM animations but he disappeared for no reason a year ago.