


The | 17 | Transfem (It/Its) | Pan | Polyam | Proshippers DNI. | Free Palestine. | Wannabe Game Dev | Voice Actress | pfp by an IRL :3c |

Joined 24 Feb 2022
Hell (Canada)
Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
If only Drill Instructor Barnes could see you now! #OpposingTheBar
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure

I feel like there should be more options regarding the Twitter bot that tweets out and links any popular posts from here stuff like opting out, or having it tag your account if you have it linked on your profile, stuff like that


I'm turning all four of the GoldSRC Half-Life Games into an RPG! The first devlog, going over what I've done so far and what the project itself is, is up now :D hope you enjoy it! :3

"Playing Cards In Stasis"

this is a remake of a poster I originally made back in March 2022, and I've definitely gotten a lot better with SFM since then!
this might be my favourite poster to-date, I'm SUPER happy with this one :D

"Playing Cards In Stasis" this is a remake of a poster I originally made back in March 2022, and I've definitely gotten a lot better with SFM since then! this might be my favourite poster to-date, I'm SUPER happy with this one :D

Otis [Half-Life 2] [Mods]
Otis [Half-Life 2] [Mods]

hey everyone! have you ever wanted to play Half-Life but got sick of Barney being in the game every time? well guess what? Otis. I did the captions for this mod y'all should go download it :3 has custom voice acting, caption support, and 3 (6 if you include episode 1) texture variants! AND it's on the workshop!* link to that version in the replies *workshop limitations mean the texture variants and captions are GameBanana download exclusive sadly :(