
May 17, 2022

Looks really good ! very promising

May 17, 2022

Looks very promising

May 17, 2022

Shotgun has 8 shell capacity but our shephard loads 1 extra shell into it after the hud comes to 8 shells. Also, i think its just a little weird that has one glove and doesnt have another one for his right hand.

May 17, 2022

Everything is great, at just a few parts, level design is simplistic like straight a bit empty long walls but the shotgun animation inserting one more shell after the 8 should be fixed.

Chaos Theory
Chaos Theory
May 17, 2022

Any feedback is appreciated, the level design was made by the old original team so we didn't really touch that. The level shown in the video has received a massive visual and audio upgrade when it comes to lighting, soundscape, music and detailing. It also has improved gameplay, we're mainly trying to make the gunplay more fun compared to vanilla HL2's somewhat dull but okay combat. The shotgun shell issue that you're describing isn't an actual issue as it also persists in vanilla HL2. It just how the system works, you put in 8 shells, not 9. The ammo get's counted during the first keyframe of the loading animation which makes it seem as if he put in 9.

Reply to Chaos Theory
May 17, 2022

Wow, you made it so clear. I noticed the lighting, effects and sound quality too. Im not sure why i felt like the geometry is simple. But anyway, you can make it look better with more decals and props if you have empty places. I didnt watch all of this. Just a small tip ;) thank you for the quality reply.

honestly i dont know

shepard's mind 2 confirmed

Jun 1, 2022

i like this already! i have high hopes for this mod! my only complaint is about the force fields i know its probably a placeholder for a better look or something but it doesnt fit and looks ugly in my opinion.

May 18, 2022

good idea!

Commando Booce
Commando Booce
May 17, 2022

Urban chaos but there is no response to riots

May 17, 2022

Looks really nice ! Can't wait to see more ! :) Why are the combine soldiers different thgough ? (there's probably an explanation ingame but i thought it would be useful to ask :D ) Other than that the only complaint i have is about the sounds that have been changed ... (for example, the sounds that the turrets or grenade makes, the original sounds were so iconic !)

Chaos Theory
Chaos Theory
May 17, 2022

You will find out (:

Reply to Chaos Theory
May 17, 2022

Can't wait ! ^^