Hmm which one is better jackhammer or valve SDK???
J.A.C.K. is better. It has more quality of life improvements, its still supported and generally its less buggy and crashy.
both are good in their own way, but I prefer valve SDK
Is valve sdk moddable like jack? i wanted to use hammer++ cause of realtime lighting but thats source
If you are talking about source one then i dont know anything but if its about goldsrc then yeah u can both mod on jack and half life 1 sdk
I meant goldsrc
ohh then yeah you can mod using both the jack and valves sdk
J.A.C.K. is better. It has more quality of life improvements, its still supported and generally its less buggy and crashy.
both are good in their own way, but I prefer valve SDK
Is valve sdk moddable like jack? i wanted to use hammer++ cause of realtime lighting but thats source
If you are talking about source one then i dont know anything but if its about goldsrc then yeah u can both mod on jack and half life 1 sdk
I meant goldsrc
ohh then yeah you can mod using both the jack and valves sdk