disappointed in valve fans for only mentioning half life and TF2 with deadlock being leaked like imagine being a dev for this game, putting hard work into it and the online response is just "GO BACK TO WORKING ON THE OLD STUFF" i can understand wanting development on those projects, well i want it too but just be glad valve is still willing to make video games again
TF2 is more understandable because it's infested with bots again, so of course people are frustrated
yeah, i do think valve has a sort of responsibility to fix TF2 since its borderline unplayable at times but with that being said valve is still full of people who want to make new video games and they should be allowed make those new video games
TF2 is just too bloated. Like, why the constant update? There's one video on YT showcasing on so many subtle details which TF2 dropped over the years. Not to mention the size. Like, just why? No wonder the code was and is a spaghetti mess.
and also lets not forget them shitting on it cus of how it curretly looks when it isnt released yet and its still probably in the early stages. And worse i saw one guy comment on twitter or youtube saying that the character art looks like it was done by AI, thats probably the worst insult ive heard for it
Yea that’s true and I’m guilty of this tbh
I think Valve would do a bad move announcing or releasing a new game when CS2 is still half of its content not released, TF2 infested with bots and they are having doubts of seeing Valve keeping another MP game when Underlords was abandoned after 1 year-ish.
I know for me I didn't post anything on it but i was mostly sad that they didn't stick to the half life extended universe that sounded really cool! But after seeing some of the concept art for deadlock I think it will be just as cool.