
Sooooo TODAY... is the 3rd of November...and we all why this day is so special (aside from it being Godzilla day, most speficically the 70th Anniversary) but atlast. Today our dear Lord and Savior Mr Gabe Newell is having his 62nd birthday! Happy birthday Gabe Newell, if it wans't for you we maybe would have never formed this community nor have the amazing games that have been going since 1998. Thank You.

Sooooo TODAY... is the 3rd of November...and we all why this day is so special (aside from it being Godzilla day, most speficically the 70th Anniversary) but atlast. Today our dear Lord and Savior Mr Gabe Newell is having his 62nd birthday! Happy birthday Gabe Newell, if it wans't for you we maybe would have never formed this community nor have the amazing games that have been going since 1998. Thank You.


Gabe is 62 for 2 years because then he immediately jumps to 64

Henrique M Vivaldini

Time flies faster with this man

Dr. Link Freeman, Ph.D

So nice that both Goji and GabeN had the same birthday lol

Henrique M Vivaldini

I know right?