


Just a 20 Year old H.E.C.U Marine who plays games and create while trying to find his way around the world. PFP: BuyArtPls/Loki

Joined 20 Jun 2024
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You Actually Tried
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Cat pics. Cat pics, everywhere. #UniGeneration
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Showed up for a rather blue shift #ShiftingTheBar

Last year, I made old animation test that involved using some underhell dialogue that actually quite fit in this. OFC people would think that this is similar to Red vs Blue.

Another preview pic/slide I'm using for my lore.

Working on with background blurs once more and so far, I think I'm getting the hang of it, but still some complications that need to be worked with.

Another preview pic/slide I'm using for my lore. Working on with background blurs once more and so far, I think I'm getting the hang of it, but still some complications that need to be worked with.

After a whole year with me having major hesitation on working on my own VTuber lore animation video twice, 3rd times the charm and I'm already working on it for real this time.

Instead of a entire regular 3d animation, I'm working on this as if its kinda like a slideshow type but with a photography themed style.

Here is a preview pic of one of the many slides that is going be used(Might edit more along with the rest).

After a whole year with me having major hesitation on working on my own VTuber lore animation video twice, 3rd times the charm and I'm already working on it for real this time. Instead of a entire regular 3d animation, I'm working on this as if its kinda like a slideshow type but with a photography themed style. Here is a preview pic of one of the many slides that is going be used(Might edit more along with the rest).