Literally don't know if anyone has already done this. What is your favorite Faction/Affiliation in the Half-Life/Portal Universe?
My oldest and goodest piece that I've made with this little sonic screaching hound
Since yall are doing this, so am I.
2 Year old sketch of the alien grunt.
I never showed this but my either my dad or brothers got this platinum collection before I even discovered Half-Life in my whole life.
Old Sketch art of the front-bladed, red eyed alien asparaguses.
"This was something we've never seen before, and from the looks of it, this doesn't look like it's from this world." This was initially supposed to be one of my scenes for my VTuber Debut Lore that I hesitate to work on.
An Alien Grunt head Sketch
Even though the model is actually a spectre from Titanfall, but its at least the closest thing of having the Robot Grunt in Black Mesa(Kinda). Literally saw some new updates/expansion to the BMCE addon and I think this robot marine kinda looks cool.
(Old Screenshot from 2018) They really don't want me to pass.