LambdaGeneration... more like Color Wheel Generation AmIRight?
"All things Valve" - LambdaGeneration HL25 Edition A demake of this post:… #HL25 #HL
Don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened. *Salutes* Amen! A fan art tribute to the voice actors (that I currently know) from Valve games presented in their characters in their own franchise that passed away.
CW3D (@theguyinslippers), the voice actor of your favorite defective Turret Wilson has a birthday today! So I decided to draw the little fella. ^^
The whole of Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure into one image! And it is in the style of Valve's updated Half-Life website. Yes, it did take me an entire 3 weeks to draw all of this. Also if you haven't played this yet, go now! #hl25 #halflife
GoldSrc Subcommunity DROPPED!
I would like to personally wish Happy B'Day to the talented Harry (Hal) S. Robins!🥳 An artist and a voice actor of: - Scientists and H.E.C.U Marines (Half-Life) - Dr. Kleiner (Half-Life 2) - Tinker (Dota 2) - Plague INC (Announcer Trailer) I wish more fantastic years in the future.
Left 4 Dead Subcommunity DROPPED!
HAPPY B'DAY @laniminella I wish you all the best and awesome moments in your voice acting career and also adventures!
In celebration of Minecraft's 15th anniversary, I decided to build the LambdaGen logo in Minecraft Classic!