


Mod Creator of Black Mesa - Oscillation

Joined 17 Aug 2021
Created a map in our LambdaBuilds competitions
LambdaBuilder Champ - 3rd
LambdaBuilder Champ - 3rd
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Oscilation is a mod taking place before the events of the resonance cascade,
Explaining what happened to the scientists on Xen as well as exploring the many parasitic species on the borderworld.

The mod is about 60% complete, with the first and second chapters finished, while the third and fourth are still in the works.
Oscilation is a mod taking place before the events of the resonance cascade,
Explaining what happened to the scientists on Xen as well as exploring the many parasitic species on the borderworld.

The mod is about 60% complete, with the first and second chapters finished, while the third and fourth are still in the works.

Oscilation is a mod taking place before the events of the resonance cascade, Explaining what happened to the scientists on Xen as well as exploring the many parasitic species on the borderworld. The mod is about 60% complete, with the first and second chapters finished, while the third and fourth are still in the works.

No update on Oscillation. I have been working more on remaking my csgo maps to cs2 ever since i got access to the limited test back on September 1st.
But Oscillation is still my main project.

I wonder what Xen would look like in Source 2.

No update on Oscillation. I have been working more on remaking my csgo maps to cs2 ever since i got access to the limited test back on September 1st. But Oscillation is still my main project. I wonder what Xen would look like in Source 2.


Black Mesa Oscillation - June 2023 Update June was a busy month for me, but i am back with a video teaser. showing antlions in their natural habitat. Also, what else would you like to see on Xen?
