the green gibus

the green gibus


Joined 2 Nov 2023
Black mesa
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
for my final art project when i was at college, i tasked myself with turning a few video game characters into pokemon designs, so here's a pokemon-ified bullsquid :)
i was only focused on getting the style right so i have no stats or anything for this, it'd probably be a poison type i suppose

(also since it's a topic atm, FU nintendo stop ruining our fun.)

for my final art project when i was at college, i tasked myself with turning a few video game characters into pokemon designs, so here's a pokemon-ified bullsquid :) i was only focused on getting the style right so i have no stats or anything for this, it'd probably be a poison type i suppose (also since it's a topic atm, FU nintendo stop ruining our fun.)
