

Joined 20 Sep 2022
Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
Took part in the #OpposingTheBar event
One Year
One Year
Be a member of the site for a whole year!
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Shit Show
Shit Show
Experience a crappy event

Take a look at our latest media release - where we transformed Ravenholm with RTX Remix and our team of capable artists! Each asset was created by hand by our team and we're so excited to show how Ravenholm came together. Keep an eye on Artstation and our Twitter for posts by our artists breaking down the assets they made for Ravenholm!


NEW VIDEO ON THE CHANNEL! This time I'm having a look at a Five Nights at Freddy's inspired mod called HARTMAN-TERVAN ROBOTICS, which will be fully out on Halloween! Enjoy!!!

HARTMAN-TERVAN ROBOTICS mod for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
HARTMAN-TERVAN ROBOTICS mod for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

INTRODUCING: HARTMAN-TERVAN ROBOTICS A full sequel to my earlier Garry's Mod maps such as gm_mika, and a unique twist on Source Modding. Hartman-Tervan Robotics is a Five Nights at Freddy's style "point and click" experience that pushes the limits of what is possible without heavy code modifications. You're in the shoes of an investigator following the track of the missing robotics expert Michael Tervan. The investigation leads you into a storage facility that his company once owned. However, …

Well, Half-Life: Extended will have a new difficulty which is EXTREME DIFFICULTY! And you'll also be able to choose a chapter like Half-Life: Source, cool, right? There will also be a variety of new things (I don't think everything I said was even half of it) that's it, that's it :)

Well, Half-Life: Extended will have a new difficulty which is EXTREME DIFFICULTY! And you'll also be able to choose a chapter like Half-Life: Source, cool, right? There will also be a variety of new things (I don't think everything I said was even half of it) that's it, that's it :)
