I make things that are both extremely cool and incredibly cursed at the same time
who the hell made this GIF
We do a slight amount of trolling
im my opinion civil protection does not do a whole lot apart from like. Scaring and killing citizens, i do not think they even deal with actual rebel militia. SO i think they are sooo scared of soldiers. Those guys mean buisness and don't fuck around, they deal with resistance and dangerous alien wildlife. So if one's on your team better keep your head straight! (another piece of old art, this one from early 2023)
Pre-Post Disaster Sector K Topside, Train yard
Here's the aforementioned vort OC, Zivko's buddy. Vorts are cool and we need more vort ocs :) also he's coloured differently to other vorts because fuck being canon compliant, i am free and i love fargo check out Zivko here if you haven't already - community.lambdageneration.com/h…
Wow, that was a lot of players! We may need to add some more additional servers next time...😲 Great job to all the scientists who participated in the test that is "Deathmatch". The rocket launch wasn't a success as we broke the "simulation". But after that, the test was a success! Thank you for participating in the Black Mesa state-of-the-art weapons testing arena facility. We will see you up ahead... Check out our stream by the YouTube guy Mitch and Gloveman! @robo: youtube.com/…