
A la recherche d'Half-life 3 depuis des années... Personnes ne l'a vu ?

Joined 12 Jan 2024
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Showed up for a rather blue shift #ShiftingTheBar
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
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One Year
One Year
Time flies when you're browsing Half-Life memes
Happy 20th anniversary, Half-Life 2! #HL2-20
The case you are seeing is a project of mine from like a year ago, It's my first custom PC case, but I lost the motivation to continue the project. Lmk what you think, and if I should continue :)
Happy 20th anniversary, Half-Life 2! #HL2-20
The case you are seeing is a project of mine from like a year ago, It's my first custom PC case, but I lost the motivation to continue the project. Lmk what you think, and if I should continue :)
Happy 20th anniversary, Half-Life 2! #HL2-20
The case you are seeing is a project of mine from like a year ago, It's my first custom PC case, but I lost the motivation to continue the project. Lmk what you think, and if I should continue :)
Happy 20th anniversary, Half-Life 2! #HL2-20
The case you are seeing is a project of mine from like a year ago, It's my first custom PC case, but I lost the motivation to continue the project. Lmk what you think, and if I should continue :)

Happy 20th anniversary, Half-Life 2! #HL2-20 The case you are seeing is a project of mine from like a year ago, It's my first custom PC case, but I lost the motivation to continue the project. Lmk what you think, and if I should continue :)

A little drawing to celebrate Half-Life 2's 20th anniversary. I'm so happy that Valve actually still cares!!! Not all hope is lost--- I guess.

A little drawing to celebrate Half-Life 2's 20th anniversary. I'm so happy that Valve actually still cares!!! Not all hope is lost--- I guess.

"Wake up... Mr. Freeman... wake up and... smell the ashes. "

When my neighbor introduced me to Half-Life at a young age, it changed everything. This game was special. I got the Half-Life 2 Collector's Edition on Christmas 2004. I remember the regular boxed copies would be any of the three faces featured on this box. It's one of my longest lasting pieces of gaming memorabilia. I've often thought of Halo as my favourite game series of all time... but Half-Life comes pretty close.

Happy 20th, Gordon. #HL2-20

"Wake up... Mr. Freeman... wake up and... smell the ashes. " When my neighbor introduced me to Half-Life at a young age, it changed everything. This game was special. I got the Half-Life 2 Collector's Edition on Christmas 2004. I remember the regular boxed copies would be any of the three faces featured on this box. It's one of my longest lasting pieces of gaming memorabilia. I've often thought of Halo as my favourite game series of all time... but Half-Life comes pretty close. Happy 20th, Gor…
