Joined 20 Mar 2022
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Two Years
Two Years
Be a member of the site for two years!
Just found out about this community and thought to share something I enjoyed making. My "tribute" for this game. Enjoy!
l.e. there are 2 posts, for all the pics.
Just found out about this community and thought to share something I enjoyed making. My "tribute" for this game. Enjoy!
l.e. there are 2 posts, for all the pics.
Just found out about this community and thought to share something I enjoyed making. My "tribute" for this game. Enjoy!
l.e. there are 2 posts, for all the pics.
Just found out about this community and thought to share something I enjoyed making. My "tribute" for this game. Enjoy!
l.e. there are 2 posts, for all the pics.

Just found out about this community and thought to share something I enjoyed making. My "tribute" for this game. Enjoy! l.e. there are 2 posts, for all the pics.

HL1 - SUV - wip part 2

Garage interior, walls need some details and painting, floor, elevator, few props, oh, and a vent a man needs to drop in somewhere :))

Car needs the US flag on rear fenders, some washing and that's about it.

If you guys notice some or have some hints/ideas feel free and let me know.

HL1 - SUV - wip part 2 Garage interior, walls need some details and painting, floor, elevator, few props, oh, and a vent a man needs to drop in somewhere :)) Car needs the US flag on rear fenders, some washing and that's about it. If you guys notice some or have some hints/ideas feel free and let me know.


Hello all! As a 34yo with job & kids, the time and patience for playing games it's not dead, but ain't far away :)), left with scale modeling wich is a break from daily routines. Half life was among first Fps tried, and the story just got me good, marked me like no other game and i know i'm not alone :)) I would like to ask you guys, since you might clearly know more than i do, what games/mods are out there that worth playing, story wise, gameplay and whatnot. I played HL1 original, the Source version, Black Mesa (incl. Xen), HL2 all episodes, Lost Coast and Portals. Even designed a map for CS 1.6 to play with my co-workers, was our factory plant, warehouses and office buildings :))) I don't know if there are last levels released further for black mesa, like gonarch, nihilanth ?! Heard about Gary mod but lacked time for trying, this period i have a little time on my hand and wish i could try some mods. All help appreciated!

Half Life 1 SUV - WIP (work in progress)
Based on '90 Nissan Pathfinder (1:24)
Will be placed on a lift in a garage, part of the Surface Tension map.

To be continued ... :)

Half Life 1 SUV - WIP (work in progress) Based on '90 Nissan Pathfinder (1:24) Will be placed on a lift in a garage, part of the Surface Tension map. To be continued ... :)
