HL1 - SUV - wip part 2 Garage interior, walls need some details and painting, floor, elevator, few props, oh, and a vent a man needs to drop in somewhere :)) Car needs the US flag on rear fenders, some washing and that's about it. If you guys notice some or have some hints/ideas feel free and let me know.

@alex, this is the scene i'm recreating, the gargantua was an idea too, but left it out because i was afraid (i know me) i'll be tempted to do the garg too :)) and then it wouldn't be about the SUV anymore, so decided for the garage.
This is seriously epic - would love to see it in one of the iconic settings - Garg garage / Blue Shift tunnels etc.
It's lookin' awesome so far!
Gonna leave the part 2.5 update here, until all 3D printed parts are in place for part 3 :)