3 "test" branch updated at 11/4/24 17:10, 21:45, and 22:22 P.M UTC
11 days left.
"test" branch updated at 11/5/24 05:22 A.M UTC
Hl1 styled hl2 crab update:
Never leave wet concrete unattended
Hello Everyone, I'm back One year later Sorry for 2022, I did something wrong. I can't wait for the half-life 2 update, the biggest one yet
Hello Everyone, I'm back One year later
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Many thanks to the wonderful artist and craftsman Skwallie for providing the concept. I present to you Alex Strider - the protagonist of the project that I am developing with my friend called "Limenoia". Alex was a design-engineer at the classified Future Science Laboratories complex, a subsidiary of Aperture-Sync. After the failure of artificial intelligence PIRES (Particular Intelligence of Repairing and Emergency System) undergoes a small upgrade of his left arm, puts on the UPK (Ultimate Pr…
My CS2 Background