Lily McFluffy ButtJan 26, 2023Half-LifeFan artRemember when Garry's Mod came out in 1999 for HL1? I do!1815148
Lily McFluffy ButtNov 6, 2024Garry's ModMappingThis is completely safe, trust me. The tram has only plummeted to the ground twice last month. More progress on the cliffside map for gmod.
Lily McFluffy ButtMar 25, 2023Half-LifeModdingIn GM_HL1_Lily_SectorK_PD, you briefly teleport to this HL1-ized Borealis. It was based off an Epistle 3 animation you sadly cannot find anymore.75
Lily McFluffy ButtApr 4, 2023LambdaGenerationSomething I absolutely love about this website is that it has never randomly logged me out. So many sites insist on doing that shit, but not this one. As someone who forgets his passwords a lot, I'm forever grateful.156
Lily McFluffy ButtSep 2, 2024LambdaGenerationMemesSomeone had to do it Edit: Here's a link to a better version…(Edited)111111111110
Lily McFluffy ButtAug 15, 2024Garry's ModArtworkA nice vacation at the resort #HotAndSteamyContest91010
Lily McFluffy ButtMay 11, 2024Garry's ModMappingDecided to take a crack at fixing up this area from c0a0, due to the misaligned station platforms and just how undetailed it is in the original game.11
Lily McFluffy ButtMar 27, 2024Garry's ModMappingPortal 2 vs my version Another Portal gmod map from me. The temple and CenCom maps will be finished first before I go any further with this though.4