Half-Life: Blue Shift 2Dec 21, 2023Half-LifeMemesBreen looking at Freeman as he blows up the teleporter to the Combine Homeworld (he's not suppose to do that)1814
Echo_zuluDec 5, 2023Half-LifeFan artHey there! This is my combine guard or trenchcoat metrocop cosplay based on concept art and fan-made model33282828263
Kevin Z. VandelayDec 8, 2023Half-LifeFan art[NOT MINE] DOOM is ETERNAL, but LIFE is a HALF Source: twitter.com/Dark_Energy2000/stat…(Edited)17188
The 2fort SinkJan 5, 2023Half-Lifegman vs the combine overlord who will have the best rap?(Edited)242424242424
Half-Life: Blue Shift 2Jan 6, 2023Half-LifeFan artBy @redstardude on twitter twitter.com/redstardude18161