Two little concept art for Black Mesa : Blue Shift. Abandoned camps and labs on Xen.

Started gaming with Mario Bros 3 on my dad's NES, and haven't stopped! I have nearly 150 hours on Fallout 4, and I enjoy TF2, Half Life 2, and Portal.
Two little concept art for Black Mesa : Blue Shift. Abandoned camps and labs on Xen.
Some Xen flora concept art i did for Black Mesa : Blue Shift. Amazing Job by @Faber54476721 and @RIMAS_KANBAROV (Twitter) for the 3D model ! A lot a of the alien Xen flora is inspired by aquatic flora from Subnautica and Below Zero, NoManSky and Starfield. It was a fast photobashing to create a small placeholder for trees.
Some small concept art i did for Black Mesa: Blue Shift. Environmental design, signage, interior design and cave atmosphere.
Some concept art i did for Alyx Vance in ReVance Mod for Half-Life 2.
Some character design i did for ReVance Mod for Half-Life 2.
Concept art for a Heavy Combine unit. Actually i wanted to do a transhuman with a synth parasite and a baby strider corps as head. To show the cruelty of the Combine, with bioengineering experiments on humans and synths. So it's mainly a guy with a strong build => Big guy or bodybuilder (which we don't see in the half-life universe at the moment ? Maybe an idea for creating now models with different body shapes) with a thick layer of tactic / Kevlar equipment. It would have an alien/synth par…
Concept art for a Medic Combine unit.
About Dell some of my OC lore here 🦐
What 18 years of no new games does to a mf