-THE BEAUTY OF CITY 17 IN SOURCE 2 ON A FLATSCREEN- Enjoy an on-going series where we will showcase the beauty of City 17 in Source 2 using our No-VR mod for Half-Life Alyx.

-THE BEAUTY OF CITY 17 IN SOURCE 2 ON A FLATSCREEN- Enjoy an on-going series where we will showcase the beauty of City 17 in Source 2 using our No-VR mod for Half-Life Alyx.
Hello there we have joined Lambda Generation to be part of this amazing community! Our mod is in early access and available to play now for free! You just need a copy of Half-Life Alyx on Steam! moddb.com/mods/half-life-alyx-no… Check out our Mod DB page for now as we begin to add more content here! Thanks again for all the support today!
i've recently discovered that michael oeming (artist behind the L4D comic, some TF2 comics and the co-artist for lab rat) planned on making a half life 2 comic here's some of the sketches for that comic:
Adrian Shephard
Get this post 10 loves to see a half life x halo infinite
Lmao just robbed stuff from Aperture. The only thing of value was a sticky note saying “poo poo pee pee”
My version of one of my favorite concept art from one of my favorite chapters, the canals. In the background, there are two events, a crabsynth walking, and a train moving along the tracks, although in the picture it is difficult to see the train. Originally, I was going to do a recreation more faithful to the original concept but I started adding things and ended up doing something different, I hope you like it. Short video : youtube.com/watch?v=Xa4ebNvIlyE CREDITS: Made in Dark i…
Black Mesa: Classic (STAY WITH SCIENCE) ModDB: moddb.com/mods/bm-classic Discord: discord.gg/bM8JZAW Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCNTM5gzObfS…
"What happened to America after the Seven Hour War ? Xen infestation being out of control, the human populations were evacuated to the Eastern countries. Right before the Continent Vitrification by Nuclear fire. North America is just burning ruins, With some abandoned souls..." Illustration for my fanfic about Half-Life Multiverse.. Here the story of survivors on the American Continent. Living in burning and radiated ruins of North America cities. Trying to avoid the remaining Xen creatures. A…