


I do stuff.

Joined 7 Jan 2023
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
One Year
One Year
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The ULTIMATE VALVe TIMELINE (original by u/deltarunech2outyet on reddit)
NOTE: i upgraded the original one a bit!

The ULTIMATE VALVe TIMELINE (original by u/deltarunech2outyet on reddit) NOTE: i upgraded the original one a bit!

Out of Aperture
Steam Girl - the main mascot of Gear Robotics Science Innovations, who will have interesting information for the player on promotional art as he progresses through the game.

 This talented artist is working on art for Gamefinity - https://www.deviantart.com/pqqerzwxxxrezsew/gallery

Out of Aperture Steam Girl - the main mascot of Gear Robotics Science Innovations, who will have interesting information for the player on promotional art as he progresses through the game. This talented artist is working on art for Gamefinity - deviantart.com/pqqerzwxxxrezsew/…

Out of Aperture

Development of Out of Aperture is in full swing! Let us demonstrate the teleportation device created within the walls of Gear Robotics Science Innovations called the Portable Quantum Transporter!

Out of Aperture will tell the story of the Gear Robotics Science Innovations complex, about its discoveries and rivalry with Aperture Science, and the adventures of the unlucky employee Arthur Voltman. Game will be based on the Steampunk genre.

Work in progress

Out of Aperture Development of Out of Aperture is in full swing! Let us demonstrate the teleportation device created within the walls of Gear Robotics Science Innovations called the Portable Quantum Transporter! Out of Aperture will tell the story of the Gear Robotics Science Innovations complex, about its discoveries and rivalry with Aperture Science, and the adventures of the unlucky employee Arthur Voltman. Game will be based on the Steampunk genre. Work in progress
