this is just speculation, I believe this is what becomes of weapon_proto1, an unused weapon that can be found in old leaks, where you can disintegrate props for ammo, it can be seen in the aftermath sourcemod. EDIT: I was talking to some people on the discord, and one of them said it might be that they split the elemental gun (icegun) into 2, the actual weapon and the model intended for the elemental gun (icegun…
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some unused voice lines in Day of Defeat Source that involve Tank callouts in total 11, I tried looking into but there is NO ONE talking about it besides just saying, yea here is its unused command to say it in game, I speculate this could be for an unfinished or cut gamemode where you would have 2 tanks fighting with infantry support around them.
old now, but the afterparty of sven co-op from my Pov (i think it was us1 or us2)
(Edited by Staff)