
Anyone have any theories why the headcrab designs have changed so much over time? Every installation after Half-Life 1, Valve just makes them paler and paler. Entropy Zero 2 had an interesting idea where the Xen headcrabs are the ones in HL1 and are more saturated, but what are the extremely pale versions in Alyx meant to be? Or is Valve just pulling a GLaDOS move and pretend the design was like that the whole time without any lore reason?

Jun 14

I personally think that Half Life 1 designs were just retconned into oblivion, especially the vorts and headcrabs. But in Half Life Alyx, I imagine that theres actually sort of a reason that they're paler, which is that they've been trapped in the Quarantine Zone for years, some without any sunlight. Like Ravenholm headcrabs are def more tan because they get to roast in the heat for years.

Jun 14

Side note, I think that GLaDOS has some explanation to her design change, but yeah its a lot different

Jun 14

That makes sense.

Jun 15

I don't think that there is any lore reason behind the headcrab design changes just valve wanting to change the artstyle. Like they have done with the vortigaunts. The hl2 and hlA vorts look similar but the hlA vorts have thumbs and 2 toes beside there foot spike thingy instead of a front spike and 2 back spikes, and I believe there teeth changed too.

Lλmbda Signal

Probably the latter, but i like the idea of headcrabs being different on 3 timelines (hl1/hla/hl2) That is, the original looks different compared to hla and hl2 because they came somewhere from xen while hla they were starting to cope from earth environments thus becoming those regulars we seen in hl2 (though it wouldnt explain different designs)


i think its that headcrabs got used to earth's atmosphere and enviroment and so with barnacles and vortigaunts, with vortigaunts not seemed to be changed in style however is changed with new ways of power and generating power and so with antlions however with antlions seems like the things changed are their skins and homes and plants and traps, for barnacles seems like they changed completely with them getting ahold of the atmosphere/enviroment