Hyperborea by Krzysztof Teper artstation.com/artwork/aGdQk
Been working on a project called Unreal Portal where I try to extract assets from Portal and import them into the Unreal Engine!
Just wanna share my favourite chibi-style HL fan art, by zarla. You can see them all here: deviantart.com/zarla/gallery/496…
Source 2 remake of a fanart I had previously made in Source 1
Anyone else find this concept art piece of G-man really fascinating? While this isn't canon per se, it's still interesting to think about. This is the only time we ever see him looking so defeated. Was this the vortigaunt energy of the vault getting to him? Or Is this what he's truly like behind the scenes when he isn't tending to Gordon or Alyx? He's still working for his "employers", meaning that he isn't actually as omniscient or as powerful as he may seem... What do you guys think?
That looks much better (sorry for bad claws)
Rain In City 17