Captain Commander

Captain Commander

Joined 22 Jun 2021
City 420
Two Years
Two Years
Be a member of the site for two years!
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
I was watching Noclip's Half-Life documentary again and decided to sort by new through the comments.  I found a wild Brett Johnson, an ex-Valve employee who worked on Half-Life 1 and Opposing Force too I believe.  Small world.  (P.S. idk what to tag this as)

I was watching Noclip's Half-Life documentary again and decided to sort by new through the comments. I found a wild Brett Johnson, an ex-Valve employee who worked on Half-Life 1 and Opposing Force too I believe. Small world. (P.S. idk what to tag this as)

I want to mention Happy Birthday to Quake 1, turning 25 years old this year. (The more I think about that the more old I feel myself). Had it not been for the development of Quake and John Carmack giving the source code out a little bit early to Valve, we may have not gotten the Half-Life 1 that we know today and the loads of mods that have since followed. Thank you Id Software and happy birthday Quake. I'm still hoping Quake 1 gets a proper sequel too someday.

I've been a Half-Life fan for about a decade now although this has always perplexed me; does Deathmatch Classic even count as a Half-Life game? It has a guy wearing an H.E.V. mark 4 suit and some other Half-Life character models too I think, but then it's also heavily influenced by Quake 1 with the theme and the slipgates. Even Quake 1's rocket launcher is in there.

Who here would be interested in a new remake of Half-Life 1? (Not the Black Mesa remake). Black Mesa was more concerned about being its own thing rather than sticking to Half-Life. I have some of my own ideas of what could be altered.