Butter dawg

Butter dawg


The dog who sold the world #gulag #proudprisoner 🖤💛

Butter Dog#4974
Joined 4 Sep 2021
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Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
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Shit Show
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Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Showed up for a rather blue shift #ShiftingTheBar
I regret to inform you all that @isaac-kleiner , the LEADER OF THE RESISTANCE, was caught by one of City 17's scanners watching, you guessed it, Skibidi Toilet Episode 17. This is incredibly disappointing, but not unexpected from somebody with Kleiner's, frankly, stinky reputation. #PoopyKleiner #BreenRules

I regret to inform you all that @isaac-kleiner , the LEADER OF THE RESISTANCE, was caught by one of City 17's scanners watching, you guessed it, Skibidi Toilet Episode 17. This is incredibly disappointing, but not unexpected from somebody with Kleiner's, frankly, stinky reputation. #PoopyKleiner #BreenRules

Well, well, @isaac-kleiner I see you've finally taken to embracing modern technology instead of spending your worthless days wiping your glasses and excreting waste on the Combine's front lawn. How quaint. As busy and important as I am, I must, however, correct your foul and frankly wrong statement regarding my Kissy-Kiss list (Which includes some of the MOST prestigious and hottest Combine loyalists on the planet, thank you very much)

I do hope you realize that this entire matter is an extremely oblivious echo-chamber of in-correction, but I doubt your fainting demented memory allows you to remember past five seconds.

#BreenRules #PoopyKleiner

Well, well, @isaac-kleiner I see you've finally taken to embracing modern technology instead of spending your worthless days wiping your glasses and excreting waste on the Combine's front lawn. How quaint. As busy and important as I am, I must, however, correct your foul and frankly wrong statement regarding my Kissy-Kiss list (Which includes some of the MOST prestigious and hottest Combine loyalists on the planet, thank you very much) I do hope you realize that this entire matter is an extreme…
