"Half-Life²: Reflection" mod - subway lvl. (With Parallax Corrected Cubemaps & dynamic lighting)
"Half-Life: Reflection" mod industrial ruins lvl
We are looking for a texture artist for our mod project Half-Life: Reflection. If you are interested and have experience in PBR-texture-creation, contact our community-manager Aaron Beardless on Discord (The Beardless#5095) You will be asked to provide examples of your previous work. Please note that all work on the mod is voluntary and unpaid!
"Half-Life²: Reflection" mod - Citadel lvl Disigned by MrGermanDeutsch Check out his amazing work! community.lambdageneration.com/u…
"Half-Life: Reflection" mod Subway lvl
"Half-Life²: Reflection" mod - Streetwar lvl First art pass.
Writing has begun on the first chapter of Half Life: Reflection!
"Half-Life²: Reflection" mod - subway lvl. Dev lvl used for first playtests & same lvl with third art pass (i mean more than 2 and less than 4 ... )
"Half-Life: Reflection" mod subway lvl
"Half-Life²: Reflection" mod - just some light test. Enjoy!