


Joined 30 Jul 2021
I Was There
I Was There
Took part in the #RememberFreeman event
Judgement Day
Judgement Day
Took part in the #GabeGPT event
Two Years
Two Years
Be a member of the site for two years!
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
A few days ago, I came up with the idea of "What if the Loader was playable?" and that lead me to experimenting with the concept. Since then I've been working on it and gradually refined it as I went along. 

Here it is in all it's glory, The Crabload! 

Hopefully I'll release it in my pack for HLDM playermodels as a bonus. And then standalone for Sven-Coop.
A few days ago, I came up with the idea of "What if the Loader was playable?" and that lead me to experimenting with the concept. Since then I've been working on it and gradually refined it as I went along. 

Here it is in all it's glory, The Crabload! 

Hopefully I'll release it in my pack for HLDM playermodels as a bonus. And then standalone for Sven-Coop.
A few days ago, I came up with the idea of "What if the Loader was playable?" and that lead me to experimenting with the concept. Since then I've been working on it and gradually refined it as I went along. 

Here it is in all it's glory, The Crabload! 

Hopefully I'll release it in my pack for HLDM playermodels as a bonus. And then standalone for Sven-Coop.

A few days ago, I came up with the idea of "What if the Loader was playable?" and that lead me to experimenting with the concept. Since then I've been working on it and gradually refined it as I went along. Here it is in all it's glory, The Crabload! Hopefully I'll release it in my pack for HLDM playermodels as a bonus. And then standalone for Sven-Coop.


Hello everyone! I apologise for dropping off the radar, but I needed a fairly lengthy break from the mod and Discord as well, this year has been quite a rollercoaster for various reasons. As I've said physical recovery is pretty much there, some annoying side effects have kicked in but they are being handled and are improving steadily. My mental health took a hit as well, and I needed medication to cope. Thankfully I'm off those now and I am pretty content with day-to-day life again. Maybe I wil…

incredible , a AAA game released today can BARLEY FUCKING scratch the peak of a game released in 1998 
Not to mention the god awful launch and the overwhelmingly negative reviews
Funny to see Half-Life having more life than 99% of videogames in these days

incredible , a AAA game released today can BARLEY FUCKING scratch the peak of a game released in 1998 Not to mention the god awful launch and the overwhelmingly negative reviews Funny to see Half-Life having more life than 99% of videogames in these days
