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Joined 4 Jan 2023
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Who are the Black Ops?

"The Black Ops are a counter operations team deployed to Black Mesa after the HECU Marines pulled out, failing to contain the alien threat.

Comprised of both male and female operators, their mission objective was the complete destruction of the Black Mesa Research Facility, via a nuclear device detonation.

Although their faction is unknown, their tactics and access to military equipment are akin to that of the CIA, with Black Mesa having ties to US Federal Agencies."

Who are the Black Ops? "The Black Ops are a counter operations team deployed to Black Mesa after the HECU Marines pulled out, failing to contain the alien threat. Comprised of both male and female operators, their mission objective was the complete destruction of the Black Mesa Research Facility, via a nuclear device detonation. Although their faction is unknown, their tactics and access to military equipment are akin to that of the CIA, with Black Mesa having ties to US Federal Agencies."