

Joined 13 Sep 2022
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.
Ngl, even though this is a Zombine, their heads are waaay more screwed than any zombie face we ever see in any of the games.

Ngl, even though this is a Zombine, their heads are waaay more screwed than any zombie face we ever see in any of the games.

Thank you for joining this special Team Fortress 2 Classic gamenight!

Huge props to @azzyy (lead dev behind Team Fortress 2 Classic) and the VaultF4 community (for providing the server) for making this possible. 💖

See you on the next one.
Thank you for joining this special Team Fortress 2 Classic gamenight!

Huge props to @azzyy (lead dev behind Team Fortress 2 Classic) and the VaultF4 community (for providing the server) for making this possible. 💖

See you on the next one.

Thank you for joining this special Team Fortress 2 Classic gamenight! Huge props to @azzyy (lead dev behind Team Fortress 2 Classic) and the VaultF4 community (for providing the server) for making this possible. 💖 See you on the next one.
