''A Chuck E. Cheese is a family entertainment centre'' *Shoots Walter Bennet* - G-man 2024
Half life 3? I THINK NOT! I Doubt it could be a thing but im gonna be cleaner! more sharper and more cool! (thanks or editing it staff?)
NEW MOVIE COMING OUT! BLλCK MESλ (Part 1) [2026] G-Man News : Highly Recommended 10/10 Action and Drama
Wrong Dimention... I don't think the SCP foundation is going to be happy with the mess I have created
NEW GAMES TO PLAY!!! Hλlf-Life [WHλTSλPP λDDITION] Breλking-Bλd 2 [PC Addition] Breλking-Bλd 3 [First copies]
Why dis [Radiated] Look so Mad :(
Im interested in getting into animation, any tips? or how do I DO animations
IM ALMOST A YEAR OLD! Not a bad time to congratulate myself on 7 followers! Thanks to Lambdagenerations I now have a life! (thats new) Thanks for everything! hopefully the years are going to keep on going smoothly!
Salad is healthy!