Angzarr Psyco

Angzarr Psyco


City 18 Status: Unknown. Employment candidate ██████ Status: Unknown.

Joined 16 Jun 2023
One Year
One Year
Time flies when you're browsing Half-Life memes

Would be really cool to see different Mod teams that have their Mods set in the HL universe to make a "HL Mod canon" Like, Imagine Portal Stories: Mel and Entropy Zero (1/2) took place in the same fan made canon or something like that


Just found out there is a collection of Lego model mods for Half-Life 2. Makes me want a mod/fan game that is a TT Games style Lego game of Half-Life titles, with 2 player co-op included. Would DEFINITELY need the same humor as the Classic Lego games. Plus some narrative shenanigans to account for a second player. What are your guys' thoughts?


I, as a nobody in the Modding scene, am getting highly tempted to try and get big mod teams to make a mod(s) that tie different mods into a "Half-Life Fanverse" that would treat all of their mods as Canon to Half-Life/Portal. Would either need to have some big mods remastered to not contradict or something to explain away such issues if they exist.
