Angzarr Psyco

Angzarr Psyco


City 18 Status: Unknown. Employment candidate ██████ Status: Unknown.

Joined 16 Jun 2023
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Just found out there is a collection of Lego model mods for Half-Life 2. Makes me want a mod/fan game that is a TT Games style Lego game of Half-Life titles, with 2 player co-op included. Would DEFINITELY need the same humor as the Classic Lego games. Plus some narrative shenanigans to account for a second player. What are your guys' thoughts?


I, as a nobody in the Modding scene, am getting highly tempted to try and get big mod teams to make a mod(s) that tie different mods into a "Half-Life Fanverse" that would treat all of their mods as Canon to Half-Life/Portal. Would either need to have some big mods remastered to not contradict or something to explain away such issues if they exist.


Would be really cool to see different Mod teams that have their Mods set in the HL universe to make a "HL Mod canon" Like, Imagine Portal Stories: Mel and Entropy Zero (1/2) took place in the same fan made canon or something like that
