Male07 using the remover toolgun on skibidi toilet (artwork by pillzman) (idea by SHAK0-C0P)
Half-life reference in Tenacious D's "Video Games" music video. Jack Black plays tf2 and half-life???
"gm_construct" So I started painting again, so I decided to paint the gm_construct and I kind of messed up the colors a lot but oh well. I plan to do more paintings and I will definitly post more in the near future.
Deserved, bullsquids deserve painful and agonizing genocide
every time I see this image, I think of Rochelle
It's here! the Gmod office pilot episode!!!!
VS saxton hale valve servers are real
Tell me, how did you get into GMod? For me, it was Idiots of Garry's Mod, specifically the "do a barrel roll" clip where, among other things, a train does a barrel roll. I started playing in late 2010.