I just started playing through l4d2 for the first time (havent played l4d1 cuz l4d2 has the l4d1 campaigns included) and have been enjoying it a lot, i really liked Dead Air and Dark Carnival, i only have to play the last stand and cold stream. Cant wait to see what else l4d2 has instore.
I think this profile post thing is awesome!
Premier ranked looks sick as hell. The banning system is long overdue. CS2 might get me back into counter strike.
Been playing a bit of the new update, pretty good (aside from saxton hale not working due to vscript issues). All the maps are cool, except venice which is a broken glitchy mess.
Half-life reference in Tenacious D's "Video Games" music video. Jack Black plays tf2 and half-life???
Cheeseburger apocalypse.
Im really like the GabeGPT stuff, I got a good chuckle out of it. Ill always wonder how you guys got the freeman ai to give such in depth answers to questions.
New updates a banger.
Which is then better source fan video series on youtube? Gorgous Freeman or Idiot Box?
Half life 2: death match is the GOAT!!!!111!!💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥