Besides #BreakingTheBar and #RememberFreeman where there any other Half-Life player count community events I've missed out on?
Judith Mossman: Girlboss, Gatekeep, Gaslight
Does anyone know when the #BreakingTheBar afterparty starts specifically? Is there a time for that too? Don't want to miss that out.
Question regarding the fellow Volunteers of #BreakingTheBar : Are you currently playing with either filters (like ReShade or NVIDIA GeForce filters) or any mods? Let it be a big or a minor modification, I'm just curious. I'm playing it full vanilla here.
I'm all set up here, have fun everyone! #BreakingTheBar

A fan-made theme for The Consul made by hawke. Really gives you the feeling of what the HL2 Beta could've been. Powerful and atmospheric.