Hey guys! One dude suggested to do the same event as #BreakingTheBar, but in portal 2 and call it #EnteringThePortal. I propose to arrange it on August 20, and before that spread this idea across the community
Hey guys! One dude suggested to do the same event as #BreakingTheBar, but in portal 2 and call it #EnteringThePortal. I propose to arrange it on August 20, and before that spread this idea across the community
This is too early. There should be more time to spread the word to streamers, social media, etc.
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What arinc9 said, the reason #breakingthebar was successful was because there was a month of time to prepare and get ready, 5 days just isn't enough to get over 14,984 people to play one game
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5 Days isn’t enough time, maybe on the 25th?
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i am in, but take some more time to spread the word
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I’m so in!
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I’m in!
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