
Ok but IF this possible Half-Life 3 is released, and they name it (as I've seen a lot online) "Half-Life X", we'll still have NO Valve game with a "3" in it. Which is kinda funny ig

Aug 30, 2024

I honestly don't think they'll name it "Half-Life: Xen" or whatever people are claiming. For one thing, this is coming from dataminers who admittedly have a lot of merit in finding the scraps of code Valve has left behind, but what they do know for sure is still fairly limited, even if they have insider access. (If I recall correctly, we got leaks of "HLVR" a few months in advance to an astonishingly accurate degree, but we only found out the actual final name of Half-Life: Alyx when Valve announced it properly) Secondly, and this is me being hypocritical and reading too much into it, Valve made Half-Life: Alyx a prequel because they were intimidated to work on a new Half-Life game in the shadow of expectations for "Half-Life 3", BUT, after they finished that game, they publicly admitted more than once they were excited to keep working on the series again. By that logic, I don't think Valve would intentionally avoid the name "Half-Life 3" and let people assume it was another prequel/spin-off (unless, of course, it turns out to be). I believe Valve moved on from successly releasing Half-Life: Alyx to tackling the far bigger beast that's been towering over the company for almost two decades, because they now had an engine and assets to use as a basis and renewed confidence in their ability to do so. TL;DR: I don't think Valve would now defraud expectations like that again after HL:A and I also believe people are just speculating, which is a habit they should have learned to avoid after "HLVR".

Southbound Pachyderm

People really need to get over this 3 obsession, many series have three games that don't have a 3 in their third game, such as Dishonored or TimeSplitters.

Aug 30, 2024

By that logic, Half-Life: Alyx is Half-Life 3 (which I believe was 3kliksphilip's point a while back).

Reply to Mythos
Southbound Pachyderm

No, that's just inventing logic from thin air. Nobody calls Death of the Outsider 'Dishonored 3', for example.

Reply to Southbound Pachyderm
Aug 31, 2024

You're missing the point. There are already three mainline games in the Half-Life series. If the "3" in the name is irrelevant, then congratulations, it's been out for four years.

Reply to Mythos
Southbound Pachyderm

You've been missing mine, somehow you got "HL:A is HL3" from my point of games not strictly requiring to have a number in its name. You can call Alyx HL3 if you really, really want to, but that's beside the point. Why, exactly, does this new game need to be called HL3? Because frankly, it just looks like some people have clung to the meme so hard they're more concerned about having a 3 in the name than getting a new game in the series at all. (To muddy the waters even further, remember when Valve once considered the Episodes to be HL3?)

Aug 29, 2024

I think HLX could stand for Half Life Xen

Aug 30, 2024

Or "Half-Life X", with X being a variable, and the value of that variable being 3.

Reply to Mythos
Aug 31, 2024

Still not directly 3

Reply to Nethal
Aug 31, 2024

Not unless you solve the equation.

Reply to Mythos
Sep 2, 2024

Was that a math joke ??

Reply to Nethal
Sep 2, 2024

You can count on it.

Reply to Mythos
Sep 3, 2024

Ok that was actually funny