
Discussion thread: Which was your favorite and why? For me it was Blue Shift, I genuinely loved the opening sequence and the start of a normal day of work (until it wasn't). I'm a sucker for seeing more of Black Mesa pre-disaster, something so cozy about it.  So I ask thee, which was your personal favorite and why?

Discussion thread: Which was your favorite and why? For me it was Blue Shift, I genuinely loved the opening sequence and the start of a normal day of work (until it wasn't). I'm a sucker for seeing more of Black Mesa pre-disaster, something so cozy about it. So I ask thee, which was your personal favorite and why?

Nov 23, 2024

I like Blue Shift because the game isn't about the protagonist saving the world. It's about a character who just found a way out and walked away. Such stories are very rare in the gaming industry and are more honest and lend originality. Admittedly, I don't like fans who try to invent their own Mary Sue character and shove him into their fanfic in some universe where he too struggles to save the world and turns out to be more successful than the protagonist from the original universe. And that's why I don't like Opposing Force, even though it's an official supplement, I see it as the kind of fanfic where Race X is sewn with dirty threads to the Half-Life universe and the main character is such a Mary Sue.

Nov 23, 2024

Another Blue Shift enjoyer, my man. And I agree, Barney was caught in all the chaos and fought his way out. I never heard anyone dislike Opfor before and I understand your point, however I enjoyed it. Maybe play it again (or wait for the elusive remake) and take it slow, put yourself in Shepard's shoes and sink into the immersion. Perhaps you'll have a change of heart, if not then it's all good. To each their own!

Reply to Covoh
Nov 23, 2024

I don't remember how many times I played HLOF, just like I don't remember how many times I played HL1 and HLBS. I don't think I need to play it again to change my mind.

Nov 23, 2024

still waiting for HL: Hostile Takeover

Nov 23, 2024

That would've been the dream. There was a "remake" of it being made on moddb, but I believe it's dead

Southbound Pachyderm

While I like Opposing Force more, I think Blue Shift is incredibly underrated, especially since it gets unfairly panned for not being an expansion like Opposing Force was. It being developed as an extra episode for the canceled Dreamcast port of HL1 meant it was never going to be anything like that.

Nov 23, 2024

I agree, Blue Shift is very underrated. I think the new remake "Black Mesa: Blue Shift" (Great btw) will definitely shine more light on it.

Nov 22, 2024

I like opposing force more. Even if i like blue shift, and HL1 is on top. Opfor in shortspan of it's walktrough really gave you new atmosphere (half of it depends by footstep sounds, lol. Make them HL1 one and you would feel lika playing some mod, little bit of OST's), new cool ideas, and i think Opfor really have that feeling of being to powerfull (any weapons that isn't barnacles is OP as hell if you know how and when to use it). But I like BS location design more. If we got OPfor with same approach to maps as Bs - it would be as good as BS with same approach to gameplay as Opfor.

Nov 22, 2024

Opfor seems to be the more popular pick, which is expected and I understand. The new weapons and enemies bring a new experience to the table. Now we just need to wait for the Opfor remake!

Nov 22, 2024

I really loved Opposing Force over Blue Shift with the diff quality, enemy variety, arsenal amount and the places you can go. But both are good regardless!

Nov 22, 2024

Agreed. Both are great!

Nov 23, 2024

Me too