Hello everyone! Today I want to present you something I've been working on for a month and a half. "Half-Life: Java Edition", a mod for Minecraft about Half-Life. It's still in development and still has a few things, but in the comments I'll leave you a list of some of them. If you have doubts about the mod or if you are interested in knowing if I will add something specific, you can leave your doubts in the comments so I can update you ;D. Thank you very much for reading!

Uhhh, very cool! Xen-Craft
certainly looks the most impressive of any of the HL in minecraft mods that currently exist
Are you working on mobs too?
This is soooo cool, I can't count the amount of failed attempts I've had at making a Half Life mod or resource pack for Minecraft. I love the Xen spores.
List of some of the things contained in the current mod: -Xen light plant. -Vortigaunt Slave. -Alien Controller. -Xen crystal. -Xen dimension and its respective portal. -Xen pod. -Xen pillars (its block will function as wood). -Xen trampoline. -Xen protozoan. -And more...
(PS: I categorized it as "Modding", since I feel it's the most appropriate for this kind of post. But if you think I need to change the category, please let me know).