
lily 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ ⋐ & ∞

exactly. no one had a problem with the black half life scientists but now if you have a black guy in your game it's "woke!!! woke games list!!!!!" they obviously just want to say the n word but you're not allowed to say that any more

Kevin Z. Vandelay

i can still type the n word (dam, even the hard r) on CS2 without being censored or sanctioned and as for your comment, i think both sides have some fault in here. For one side, yeah, the conservatives went too low and down bad that even games like, for example, Starfield, is woke for them, just because you can select your character's pronouns once, and never again (even if the game doesn't promote wokeism or conservative ideals) but for the other side, i think the liberals (specially the teenagers) are also guilty. I'm not saying everyone, but many of them would cancel anyone who disagrees with them, even if someone says something like "there are only 2 genders" with respect and without sounding transphobic Everyone has to chill, that's all i can tell

Reply to Kevin Z. Vandelay
Kevin Z. Vandelay

without being* transphobic PD: it's ironic how some "woke games" lists call GTA V "woke" because it contains black ppl and female drivers, even when you can kill them in the game

lily 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ ⋐ & ∞

also obligatory "stonetoss is a nazi"


no need for the quotation marks, the shithead is nazi alright.

Kevin Z. Vandelay

He never played Half-Life

Feb 27

I believe that adding colored characters to games created before 2016 is not a credit to the woke. It's a credit to the designer for deciding to do that. It's one thing when a designer garomically and creatively creates a character. It's another thing when a designer is forced to make purposely ugly characters because BlackRock will pay for it later. In a good game, movie or other work of art, it doesn't matter what color skin a character has. What's important is that character fit well into the game and don't interfere with the enjoyment of it. And yes, Alyx from HL2 is better looking in appearance than Alyx from HLAlyx

Kevin Z. Vandelay

Facts and facts

Mar 2

Valve didn't have time to create a normal model for Alyx, and we can't see her face in game without cheats or tools. In this official artwork for Half-Life: Alyx, she doesn't look bad. Eli Vance also looks fine. And don't forget that HL:A takes place five years before the Half-Life 2 storyline

Project Tau

i saw the tweet, i saw the comments and the quote tweets and my conclutions is that EVERYBODY loves Alyx. love of Alyx unites us all

Kevin Z. Vandelay



isnt the artist here a literal nazi?

Feb 27

woke has existed for a long time, only the meaning has changed. before it was a good thing, staying aware of issues to do with african-american groups. now people have turned it into a "bad" thing. sucks major ass but it is what it is. also ew, stonetoss

Mr. Hast
Mr. Hast
Feb 28

It doesn't matter what nationality the female character is. The problem is that girls in games used to be beautiful, kind and desirable, but now they behave impudently and their character is mostly repulsive than attractive. So who would you prefer as a love interest, Alyx or the heroine from the game Forspoken?

Butter dawg

I think its different cause now games just force dei bullshit instead of old games where it felt actually organic, no one had a problem with coach from l4d2 or lee from the walking dead because they were well written and good characters instead of wacky quirky "diverse" inserts to "own the chuds"