Project Tau

Project Tau

Joined 18 Mar 2023
51.512577, -0.219018
Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
If only Drill Instructor Barnes could see you now! #OpposingTheBar
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Cat pics. Cat pics, everywhere. #UniGeneration
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Showed up for a rather blue shift #ShiftingTheBar
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.
hey, i was rewatching some Gman appearance clips when i saw this part again, and it hit me. we all know that this part takes place in black mesa. but i haven't heard from anyone that this is THE ORIGINAL LOBBY from ANOMALOUS MATERIALS.

hey, i was rewatching some Gman appearance clips when i saw this part again, and it hit me. we all know that this part takes place in black mesa. but i haven't heard from anyone that this is THE ORIGINAL LOBBY from ANOMALOUS MATERIALS.

if you think about , the reveal of Project : white sands is basically free hype and advertisement for half life 3. man. if it is half life 3, we will have half life 3 before gta 6 gives "unstoppable force vs immovable object" vibes