
Do y'all think Eli knows Father Gregori is just chilling in Ravenholm or is he like some urban legend to Black Mesa East? Also, Eli and Gregori like HAD to have met at least once. A religious leader and a Resistance leader who's places are operation were basically one? They just had to have met before.

Sep 22, 2024

I dont think Eli and Grigori ever really talked but I do like the idea of the rebels sharing a story about a man who haunts the streets of the dead city, his faint laughs being heard in the distance at the outside areas of the facility. Is he dead, does he still breathe? Those are questions that will remain unanswered because they are too fearful to ever step foot back into that accursed place.

Sep 22, 2024

gregori was just some priest before the combine, they may have seen eachoder around the town when ravenholm was a safe place, but problably he wasnt like a leader, just another ressident of ravenhold, he may be just pressumed dead by black mesa east

Sep 22, 2024

I just assume that since there's a whole church, and he presumably led sermons and worship, he was probably pretty well known

Aivaras der Kurischer

No one knows Grigori except for some random bypassers, that he presumably saved. Everyone who knew him closer is dead, the town is quarantined and all of it's former inhabitants are considered to be dead. He might even be not real and just a ghostly hallucination, a product of Gordon's exhausted mind to help him cope with the horrors of the town.

Sep 25, 2024

Yeahhh but he's most definitely real. Gregori had a whole ass church, and he has voice lines claiming that he knew the zombies before they were turned so they probable knew him too

Reply to BreenGrub
Aivaras der Kurischer

I am not stating it, but it might be an interesting outcome.

Sep 25, 2024

Also considering that Alyx was mournful of Ravenholm's loss, she probably had been in the town more than once, so I don't think it's super far fetched that a lot of people in Black Mesa East use to live in Ravenholm

Reply to BreenGrub
Aivaras der Kurischer

The existence of Black Mesa East might not even be known to the majority of.refugees who used to take shelter in Ravenholm, it's a secret resistence base after all.

Reply to Aivaras der Kurischer
Sep 25, 2024

Ravenholm was also a secret resistance base tho lol

Reply to BreenGrub
Aivaras der Kurischer

Ravenholm was a temporary shelter, sort of a hub for people who were fleeing City 17, it was outside of the Combine's grid and was the perfect place to get some rest and prepare for the further journey into the outlands. It was not a resistance base, at least not on a bigger scale. Rebel activity was naturally present there, because they were aiding the escaping citizens and this eventually led to the Combine's notice and shelling of the place. The nearby presence of BM East probably contributed to this too.

Reply to Aivaras der Kurischer
Sep 25, 2024

It had over 300 people living there, I dont think it was just a rest station

Reply to BreenGrub
Aivaras der Kurischer

Where do you get the 300? Pre-war maybe? Even if the number is more or less correct, that does not imply, that it's always the same people, some of them maybe, to keep the town alive, some can even be pre-war inhabitants (like Grigori), but most are probably just bypassers running away from oppression. It would not be very smart to settle for too long right on the outskirts of the Combine capital now, would it? Especially if you are a mere citizen who is not involved with the chain of resistance planning a revolution.

Reply to Aivaras der Kurischer
Sep 25, 2024

I counted the zombies yesterday during my play through. And yes, obviously it wasn’t smart because it got shelled

Reply to Aivaras der Kurischer
Sep 25, 2024

As Alyx says, “We used to be able to go right up there to Ravenholm. It was an old mining town inhabited by some escapees from City 17.” So that means that people from BME would visit Ravenholm frequently, and that it was used as a place where people stayed

luma112 ♡
luma112 ♡
Sep 23, 2024

everyone who knew grigori probably thinks he died

Sep 24, 2024

Maybe. Also don't you think it's weird that he most likely knew about the entrance to Ravenholm that Gordon came through but not once did he think to go down there, ask for help from the Rebels, and clear out the town faster?

Reply to MrEvoX
luma112 ♡
luma112 ♡
Sep 24, 2024

whats even the point

Reply to luma112 ♡
Sep 24, 2024

It would have made clearing out the town a hell of a lot easier with some help

Reply to MrEvoX
Sep 24, 2024

Yeah but he’s not a sane character, and the only character that could’ve done the same damage as Gordon did to the zombie population is Alyx, and even then, why would she want to go into Ravenholm? No one would try to help him, especially with the threat of the Combine possibly come back with more attacks