
Apr 27, 2023

jabroni brawl...,

Apr 27, 2023

Maybe something about HL1 MMOD? If not then maybe about EZ Uprising then.

Apr 27, 2023

Moddb is down at the moment so I can't provide you links, I might get back to you on that later Half-life 1 mods: -Absolute Zero is an interesting abandoned project based on the early concepts of Half-life 1 that has a substantial release with a lot of interesting things -Point of View is also interesting, it's an older mod, where you play as a Vortigaunt, a bit of a classic but also somewhat obscure to an extent. It's one of those mods that predates Half-life 2 so the author came up with their own lore for the Vortigaunts based on the feel they got from the Vortigaunts in Half-life 1, interestingly this lore can be partially ignored if you just play the game without looking at the character's mental journal. It's a concept that I would be very intrigued by nowadays, a Half-life from a Vortigaunts perspective, I'm sure they have a *lot* to add to the world of Half-life with what they know. -Half-life Zombie Edition has interesting mechanics, even though it is criminally short, you get to play as a headcrab and evolve your host (and your headcrab by extension) into various different specializations that make them faster, tougher, more crabby, etc. I think this one has even more of a cult following because of said interesting mechanics. -Gunman Chronicles was a game, now made available as a mod, that was based on Goldsrc, it's relatively obscure I think, it's weird and different and might make for a good topic for a video, I don't know. -If you just want to talk about something that is high quality and well done, I highly recommend Poke646. Just go and look at it, you'll see what I mean.

Apr 27, 2023

Half-life 2 mods: -I played Snowdrop Escape recently, and I felt that it was a rather fresh, different take on the Half-life 2 formula. To be really honest I disliked the talking protagonist, I ended up deleting the notification sounds for his personal journal and cringed a little at his dialogue, but the rest of the mod is quite amazing, it has a fresh setting and a fresh perspective and a lot of mechanically different things. -The iconic Research and Development turns Half-life 2 into something like Portal, where there is no gun except the Gravity Gun, and you solve cleverly planned puzzles, super fun mod that makes great use of Half-life 2 Episode Two's aesthetics. -Blasted Lands is rather underrated mod in my opinion, it takes the player to abandoned urban areas outside of the Combine's walled cities, it has a very cool atmosphere, the story is kind of absent you just go from level to level because that's the direction the rest of the game is, but it's pretty enjoyable, moody and refreshing. -Entropy Zero: Uprising is the talk of the moment, of course, if you want to do a video on the topic that probably all HL YTers are covering right now, this is it. -Southernmost Combine is a pretty cool mod, it inexplicably has a time travel setting that takes the player to a Combine occupied Argentina in the 80's or something, that sounds quirky but don't let that discourage you, the time travel aspect doesn't matter that much, but the environments are very cool. -Finally there's Thunder's Leaves, another mod with a cool setting and set at a different time combined to Half-life 2, it takes place an undetermined number of years after the Half-life 2 games, with humanity reclaiming cities and using Combine technology in their favor, but the Combine is not fully gone, there's plenty of Overwatch soldiers still around and they have gone into hiding, scheming.

Ronald Hamrák
Ronald Hamrák
Apr 27, 2023

maybe Half-Life Through The City? :)

Apr 27, 2023

Dear god...

Apr 27, 2023

this screenshoot remind me of human error so make video on human error i guess

Aug 9, 2023

wel therz tiz mod in the works caled outskirt its 2nd demo cam outz but it rely worth checking out bro trust trustszzzzzzzzzz

Apr 28, 2023

Black Mesa Blue Shift potentially.


Have you ever heard of the mod 1187? It's good in some parts. I'd reccomend it.


also Half-Life: Absolute Redemption. Please for the love of god don't let this 1999 gem be forgotten! It's basically HL2 before HL2 plot wise a bit.

Oct 11, 2023

halfquake >)

Aug 9, 2023

Although not finished I recommend checking out a mod called "outskirts'. Demo 2 for it has released on moddb fairly recently And as a playtester for the mod I will say it's definitely worth a play.

Jul 14, 2023


May 1, 2023

ice mod (its shit but im wondering what your thoughts are on it.

May 1, 2023

its called

May 1, 2023

yes mister ritcher