HλLF-LIFE 2 DEATHMATCH PART 2 - GAMENIGHT SATURDAY Time for a throw toilets at your friends and foes but this time with new maps! The gamenight starts on April 6th, at 7PM GMT, so get your calendar/clocks up. Join the combin- I mean resist- I mean whatever side you fancy! You can also join in the voice chat #Gamenights in our Discord server discord.com/invite/2FcPh6j we'll be there too! Copy and paste the command below to the development console to join the war of the toilets! Connect HL2DM.LAMBDAGENERATION.COM We will see you up ahead...
So... what song are we singin' this time?
I will definitely join this time
im joinin fosho, i want to fight while throwing toilets w westeh