
Commando Booce
Commando Booce
Jul 3, 2022

Good luck with the neighbourhood watch achievement, you'll need it.

Jul 3, 2022

Good luck with the gnome achievement

Test Subject 29
Test Subject 29
Jul 3, 2022

Been trying to 100% both Portal games since I both got them. There’s just one radio that I can never seem to reach, and I failed miserably at all the challenges or advanced chambers. Plus in Portal 2 I have no one to do co-op with, since you kind of need to do it with someone you know personally for it to work.

Your Average HECU Soldier

Yo I never have a partner either, if you ever need one, check out my Steam Prof and invite me.

Normal Headcrab
Normal Headcrab
Jul 3, 2022

Good luck with one free bullet achievement

Your Average HECU Soldier

I don't get how to do Black Mesa Decathlon winner. I never take any damage, and just run through but never get the achievement...

Jul 3, 2022

you can't quicksave, if you take damage you have to restart from the start of the map (put: map bm_c4a3a1 in the console)

Reply to Mars/Cyra
Your Average HECU Soldier

OK thanks. I'm pretty sure I quicksaved throughout