Problem I've always encountered when playing Half-Life 2: Whenever I reach the Black Mesa East chapter, the lightmaps always break down and everything is super bright. This is the case regardless if I load into the chapter from the menu or play the game normally to that point. Has anyone else experienced this bug before, and if so, is there a fix? (Edit: All fixed.)
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Got this sticker from Science Night at the local community college. I’m not alone.
I'm really loving these videos, so I've posted another one. It turns out that Aperture's products aren't the only things they produce that break every single law of physics.
Video I found about the Gravity Gun and the actual science behind it. I don't know if this actually fits in the lore category because it's science but I couldn't think of anywhere else to put it.
Drawing prompt in art class today was “portal,” and I couldn’t resist. Turns out I’m the only one in my art class who even knows about the game. Also, no idea who this character is, I just made her up on the spot.
Hey I didn't mention this yesterday but I had an experience similar to the scientist asking for toilet paper in the beginning of HL1. I was in Target and my mom and I went to the bathroom together and she told me that there was no toilet paper in her stall and asked me to pass her some under the stall door. I made the connection with HL1 immediately and wanted to post this but I didn't have my phone on me.
A legitimate image.
Uh-huh. Yeah, Chell made a music video or something, I guess. Found this in my YouTube feed.
Well, it's been a year. And let me tell you, I do not regret it one bit.