Experience Black Mesa and the Resonance Cascade like you have never before. Built by our resident Modder extraordinaire @Ashok in his spare time, The mod release of Black Mesa is now playable in VR. It will be available on April 6th (the same day as HL2VR:Episode 2 is released as well) THIS PROJECT IS NOT AN OFFICIAL SOURCEVR MOD. NOR IS IT A CROWBAR COLLECTIVE GAME(do not bother them about it)
correct me if I'm wrong, the mod release of Black Mesa is just the steam version without any of the Xen chapters, right?
There are some improved xen maps but not the same retail maps. There has been work to backport the maps to be able to work on HLVR but right now its unknown if BMVR will use it at any point
oh cool!
I'm glad I had the opportunity to beta test this mod early on in the project. Trailer was also fun to make, lol